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We offer the following as a model:
Noel O’Regan, “Asprilio Pacelli, Ludovico da Viadana and the Origins of the Roman Concerto Ecclesiastico,” Journal of Seventeenth-Century Music 6, no. 1 (2000): par. 4.3,
Copyright © Society for Seventeenth-Century Music.
ISSN: 1089-747X
In the course of an online search, I happened upon Antonia L. Banducci's review-essay in Volume 10, No. 1 of JSCM, The Opera Atelier Performance (Toronto 2000). I noticed that one of Dr. Banduccis references (19) contains an error. She cites the 1987 Opera Theatre of St. Louis production of Alcina directed by Stephen Wadsworth, but incorrectly identifies the crazed Alcina as having been superbly sung by Sylvia McNair. Sylvia did indeed sing superbly, but she sang the role of Morgana, who did not roll all over the stage in this production. The rolling, and the singing of the role of Alcina, was done by me!
* Juliana Gondek ( is Distinguished Professor of Voice and Opera, and Chair of the Division of Musical Performance at the University of California at Los Angeles.