The Journal of Seventeenth-Century Music

The Journal of Seventeenth-Century Music


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We offer the following as a model:

Noel O’Regan, “Asprilio Pacelli, Ludovico da Viadana and the Origins of the Roman Concerto Ecclesiastico,” Journal of Seventeenth-Century Music 6, no. 1 (2000): par. 4.3,

VOLUME 2 (1996) NUMBER 1

Table of Contents




Editor-in-Chief: Kerala J. Snyder
Reviews Editor: Bruce Gustafson
Technical Editor: Robert Judd
Systems Administrator: John B. Howard

Editorial Board: Linda Austern, Stewart A. Carter, David Fuller, Wendy Beth Heller, Jeffrey Kurtzman, Margaret Murata, Steven E. Saunders, Alexander Silbiger, Louise K. Stein, Colin Timms, Christoph Wolff