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We offer the following as a model:
Noel O’Regan, “Asprilio Pacelli, Ludovico da Viadana and the Origins of the Roman Concerto Ecclesiastico,” Journal of Seventeenth-Century Music 6, no. 1 (2000): par. 4.3, https://sscm-jscm.org/v6/no1/oregan.html.
Copyright © 1995–2025 Society for Seventeenth-Century Music.
ISSN: 1089-747X
In this issue we offer three articles. Tim Carter considers a failed libretto by Rinuccini, asking where the poet went wrong. In the process he takes particular interest in a largely overlooked source for that libretto. Federico Terzi examines Italian Catholic organ music for the Elevation, from the point of view of the declarations by the Council of Trent on the nature of the Mass. Elizabeth Weinfield takes us north to Antwerp, where the family of a converso merchant from Portugal used music to facilitate cross-cultural business and social relationships.
As always, our authors have taken advantage of the flexibility of the electronic environment, whether for full-color illustrations (Weinfield), dozens of musical examples (Terzi), or a 55-page appendix (Carter). I draw your attention especially to Carter’s lengthy Appendix 1, JSCM’s first foray into publishing a critical edition. While decidedly low-tech—no hypertext here—the edition is nonetheless ingenious in its layout. Its divided series of critical notes was entirely the author’s idea, which we happily adopted.
Finally, many thanks to Don Fader for his nine years as my dependable editorial partner. This is his final issue as Reviews Editor for the Journal. I look forward to working with Maria Purciello, who will serve as Reviews Editor starting with the autumn issue.
Lois Rosow