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Volume 8 (2002) No. 1

Jeffrey Kurtzman and Linda Maria Koldau

Trombe, Trombe d'argento, Trombe squarciate, Tromboni, and Pifferi in Venetian Processions and Ceremonies of the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries

Document 55: Description of marriage celebration, February 16, 1533. From Marino Sanuto, I Diarii, 57, cols. 525–26.

In questa sera fu fata una belissima festa a chà Corner a S. Polo, per le noze fate di la fia de sier Zuan Corner qu. sier Zorzi cavalier, procurator, con dota ducati 10 milia, videlicet 9000 de contadi et 1000 tra robe et danari, in sier Piero Morexini di sier Zuan Francesco da san Cassan ricchissimo, et fo invidate assà donne et balà tutto hozi, unde li compagni chiamati . . . . aziò se potesse preparar le tavole nel primo soler a hore 4 ½1 veneno con 50 done sul campo de San Polo et veneno di longo fino a Rialto facendo chiaranzane con le done, le qual cazevano in tera, chi la scufia li andò de capo et restò in caveli, chi perse medaie d'oro haveano in la scufia, chi ave un dano, chi un'altro, et poi tornorono a caxa con le trombe et pifari et andorono a cena. Et vi sono incogniti li cardinali Grimani et Redolfi, et cenorono lì in una camera de sopra.


1. This would be approximately 10:00 p.m. in modern time. Venetian time in the 16th century was calculated on a 24-hour clock from sunset. On February 16, noon would have been approximately 18:00 hours and sunset at about 5:30 p.m. Thus "hore 4 ½" would be approximately 4 ½ hours after sunset. See Michael Talbot, "Ore Italiane: The Reckoning of the Time of Day in Pre-Napoleonic Italy," Italian Studies, 40 (1985): 51–62, especially the conversion table on p. 60 and Appendix II, where adjustments for the pre 1582 Julian calendar are described.

Return to note 397.

Return to note 405.