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Volume 9 (2003) No. 1

Mauro Calcagno

Monteverdi’s parole sceniche

Text 8
Alessandro Striggio, “Muse honor di Parnaso,” from La favola d’Orfeo, Act I

Muse honor di Parnaso, amor del Cielo,
Gentil conforto a sconsolato core,
Vostre cetre sonore
Squarcino d’ogni nube il fosco velo:
E mentre oggi propitio al vostro Orfeo
Invochiamo Imeneo
Su ben temprate corde
Col vostro suon, nostr’armonia s’accorde.
Muses, honour of Parnassus, beloved by heaven,
tender consolation to the dejected heart,
let your harmonious lyres
rend the dark veil from every cloud:
and while we today in favour of your Orpheus
invoke Hymen
on well-tuned strings,
our harmony accords with your sound.

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